Mortgage Servicing Software

Loan servicing workflow for mortgage servicers.


Seamless Mortgage Servicing

For over a decade, financial organizations have used CLARIFIRE®, the automated workflow and workout application, to connect point solutions, business partners, customers, and most importantly, their processes in a single, secure mortgage servicing application. Interactive, connected, and nimble workflow driven by no-code intelligent business rules control quality, mitigate risk, and improve compliance. Repeatable, standardized mortgage processes that embody your organization and industry knowledge, simplify the complexities of your operations to eliminate the chaos in mortgage loan servicing.

The pandemic, with its remote workforces and extensive changing relief guidance, is forcing the industry to embrace digitization, rapid implementation, and innovative tech solutions to process the volume of requests, deferrals, and permanent workout resolutions. CLARIFIRE® Workflow software provides the foundation and means to push mortgage servicing to the new level of digital transformation and modernization required to elevate current industry needs and keep the customer in their home.

The dynamic, changing, real-time views within our software enable servicers to tame the chaos that has become the industry’s new normal. Our workflow has the agility to change rapidly to meet your ever-changing and evolving servicing needs. That includes the flexibility to support the continued influx of regulatory and operational disruption that exists today. With CLARIFIRE®, you can have the peace of mind that your servicing operations are ready for any challenges that come now or in the future.

Benefits of Loan Servicing Workflow Automation

Why You Should Automate Your Processes for Servicing a Loan

Transforming your business methodology and operational results with a single, straight-through, no-touch automated approach that powers interactively connected workflows across your organization sounds like futuristic technology. However, this innovative tool for operational excellence is here, available now, and here’s why your organization should embrace modern automation for the management of your mortgage servicing operations.


Loan servicing software can increase the speed at which you can process customer requests, including workout decisioning for modifications, bulk processing of solicitations, or pre-foreclosure recommendation automation. Our servicing software automates responses to customer inquiries with intelligent business rules or bulk process large volumes of like requests, you can drastically shorten cycle times as data is processed and workflow launched without the need for hands-on manual efforts or the running of old fashioned queries. This increase in processing speed drives down the overall servicing cost per loan.


Workflow automation within your servicing processes provides the foundational tools for work to be executed in a repetitive nature that produces organizational consistency, reduces human error, improves quality, decreases the risk of skipped steps, and eliminates unnecessary redundancy. Cycle times are reduced, quality of work increases, and redundancy is eliminated, freeing up resources to help with exception handling, account reviews, or other tasks where needed.


Without self-service capabilities and workflow automation, you are limiting the processing capacity of your organization by the number of staff you have and the work-time schedule to which they operate limits throughput. With process automation, the system can complete the next step based on complex business rules at any hour of the day or night, which is not possible when processing the same task manually or working in separated point solutions. Our loan servicing system rapidly connects all of the roles in your organization automatically, systemically driving real-time results.


Organizational efficiencies, governance, and controls are gained as workflow automation drives down loan management costs through the utilization of standard processes and easy to add business rules. Operational processes are transformed into a workflow by breaking down and clearly defining each action in a process only one time. Then, the application takes over and does the work. Decisions are no longer subjective, and processes are now consistent and repetitive. Everyone performs the same task, in the same way, each time. Auditable, visible, and changeable.


When the management of servicing loans is driven through a digital centralized environment, repetitive tasks generate the same, consistent outcome each time they are executed. Business rules configured to the needs of the organization provide the auditable system of controls and visibility necessary to thrive.


Extend Servicing Software Capabilities with Vendor Integrations

Clarifire continues to create strategic partnerships with other major third-party technology and service providers to seamlessly include their products and services to extend CLARIFIRE®’s workflow functionality. As a Clarifire client, servicers have access to these system integrations that further enhance the power and capabilities that our automated mortgage servicing software provides to its users. Your resources never have to leave the CLARIFIRE® system. Automated clicks place orders, track fulfillment, and display results.

Boston National Title Logo

Users of CLARIFIRE® for default servicing and loss mitigation will benefit from our integration with solutions from Boston National Title. Servicers are able to further increase efficiency by automating requests and responses for property reports, mortgage modification policies (MMP), and similar documentation from Boston National Title—never going outside CLARIFIRE®. With these additional services delivered rapidly to their dashboards, they have robust visibility and capabilities.

Core Logic logo

Our integration with CoreLogic Credco automates servicers’ access to CoreLogic Credco credit reports and credit scoring solutions directly through CLARIFIRE®. The customer receives loss mitigation options from the Credco system in just minutes. This strategic partnership prepares servicers for seamless transitions into new demands brought on by the ongoing pandemic and other changing industry demands.

First American Mortgage Solutions logo

The Clarifire partnership with First American Mortgage Solutions empowers a mortgage servicer to automate orders for First American's FirstMod loss mitigation products and services suite. CLARIFIRE® users are now able to receive loss mitigation documents, title reports, partial claims, and lien priority insurance, from the FirstMod system, directly through their CLARIFIRE® user dashboards, never having to leave the application.

Freddie Mac Logo

CLARIFIRE® connects to Freddie Mac’s Resolve® Solution to further strengthen and streamline servicing workouts. This software integration allows CLARIFIRE® users that service loans to Freddie Mac to quickly determine the correct workout options under Freddie Mac's guidelines. This is not only saving servicers an enormous amount of time and effort that would normally be spent performing loan workouts manually, it also eliminates the manual efforts of resources to update the Freddie Mac systems for reporting. It’s also making sure borrowers who need home mortgage assistance are able to get it fast. Decreased cycle times, better servicer performance, and digital audit trails all enhance the processes.

IndiSoft Logo

Clarifire has partnered with lndiSoft's National Housing Advocacy Platform (NHAP) to seamlessly integrate HUD-approved housing counselors (HCAs) who provide foreclosure alternative counseling, loss mitigation, and post-loan modification assistance to homeowners. This game-changing innovation adds automation efficiencies to servicer operations, expands the borrower assistance digital ecosystem, and alleviates servicer-borrower interactions.

CLARIFIRE® for Servicing Workflow Software

Customer engagement

CLARIFIRE® provides borrowers with self-service options for requesting mortgage assistance from any browser in real-time, making customer interactions completely “touchless”. Automation is available 24/7 via a link on your site, keeping your customer engaged and up-to-date on the status of their loan.

Loss Mitigation

CLARIFIRE® offers an innovative, easy-to-use loss mitigation solution designed to provide servicers with operational visibility and control. The power of process automation combined with a robust loan workout rules engine provides servicers with the capability to help struggling homeowners promptly.

Learn More About Our Servicing Software System

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Workflow is the backbone of the CLARIFIRE® application. Find out how workflow tames the organizational chaos to keep your loan servicing operations running seamlessly.

Unite Your Organization in a Single, Collaborative Workflow Platform. Download eBook.

Our software is more than a loan servicing platform. This eBook will provide you with the information needed to understand the multitude of industry-specific and proven product features included within our single, collaborative, SaaS workflow application.

CLARIFIRE Workflow: Take the Chaos Out of Servicing. Download eBook.

Learn how using CLARIFIRE® workflow automation as your loan servicing solution enables your company to minimize servicing risk, remain competitive, and thrive while eliminating the chaos.

Request a Demo to See Automated Workflows in Action

Woman using CLARIFIRE application

See why Clarifire, the progressive, innovative corporation, is a leader in delivering robust workflow management software to customers with complex loan servicing needs. Your organization can rise above today’s relentless industry pressures by implementing proven scalable, relevant process automation. Clarifire customer success testimonials provide insight into why CLARIFIRE® is the workflow loan software mortgage servicing organizations need to modernize operations in this disruptive industry. Ready to see it in action for yourself? Request a free CLARIFIRE® Demo today! It’s time to see how CLARIFIRE® is truly BRIGHTER AUTOMATION®.