University Solutions

Preparing Students for Real-World Application


In this digital age, advanced technology has changed the game for the healthcare industry. Clarifire is driving this change with our award-winning CLARIFIRE HEALTH™ workflow automation. Healthcare institutions no longer rely on paper and pen to jot down notes or perform numerous tasks from memory. Now they have innovative mobile applications that provide patient data in real-time, resulting in improved patient care, experience, safety, and clinical outcomes.

Setting Up Students for Success

A gap remains between the technology students have access to in the universities versus what is used in today's healthcare systems. A 2018 study showed that only 64% of nursing programs reported successfully adopting technology as part of their curriculum(1). Although many students are learning in technologically advanced simulation labs, too many universities continue to use paper and pen methods for students to record and perform simulations and track patient data. Utilizing the same innovative technology currently in use by hospitals today puts your students a step ahead of others on day one of their new careers. The hiring organizations will thank you as their training burdens are reduced. Time and resources previously spent on re-educating new hires on performing tasks with technology can now be spent on patient care.

Want to hear more? Let us show you how easy it is to incorporate our technology within your University Curriculum. Contact us here.

Announcing USF Health and Clarifire partner for students! Download press release.

The digital age of healthcare & student education: filling the gap. Read blog here.

CLARIFIRE HEALTH™’s Solution for Students & Faculty

Clarifire continues to make an impact on the healthcare industry. The same technology used by hospitals is now available for use in universities as part of their student education. Using CLARIFIRE HEALTH™ mobile applications, universities can quickly and affordably implement mobile technology throughout their curriculum. Improve competencies related to patient quality, safety, and technology – all with one easy-to-use application.


Our solution includes: