Results in

Financial Services Industry

Have you ever wondered what actual users say about CLARIFIRE®'s impact on their business? Here's a sampling of the proven results:

"CLARIFIRE® centralized the knowledge, eliminating specialty groups."

"We could not have [met SPOC] regulations without the application."

"The Dashboard is the key to us doing work."

"CLARIFIRE® allows us to hear the customer."

"We now hire for attitude and train on the system."

"We use to only measure complaints. Now we measure compliments."

"The automated calls that launch workflow... are completely innovative."

Reported Lift by CLARIFIRE® Financial Services Industry Users

Foreclosure Processes

  • 100% automation of FC setup queries and file assignments
  • 40% reduction in FC referral steps
  • Reduce referral prep and acceptance to 1 day
  • Time savings of 278 hrs per month for foreclosure referrals
  • 80% reduction in processing time in figure requests

Improved Risk Management

  • Prevent missed deadlines
  • Prevent compensatory fees
  • Avoid adverse legal ramifications
  • Process errors reduced through system notifications
  • Provide visibility into actions that effect timelines like sale date changes

Improved Performance:

  • Reduce RPP steps
  • Automate vendor instructions like attorney receive and review
  • Enable vendor management and allow robust reporting of same
  • Allow meeting of Fannie Mae directives
  • Standardize performance enterprise wide

Decrease costs:

  • Save man hours by reducing manual actions
  • Allow self support and less reliance on IT