
Replacing Chaos with Clarity

The Clarifire Story

Growing up surrounded by attorneys, it was almost inevitable that Jane Mason would end up working for her mid-size family law firm with diverse specialties in real estate and intellectual property. There was one problem - Jane was not interested in law - but she was fascinated with processes and technology and how the two can change organizations. She used this passion to implement automation that transformed the delivery of legal services by bringing all parties into a collaborative online approach to gain results.

With a team of in-house programmers, Jane developed the software's intellectual architecture and the resulting product that automated processes at her law firm, enabling them to operate more efficiently. The software and process solutions effectively reduced costs, increased profitability, and scaled the oversight and delivery of legal services so well that Jane sold it to a large financial services company (Fidelity National Financial). It quickly became the industry-leading attorney management system.

She then invested in her "a process is a process" vision, and Clarifire, the company, was started. She and her team worked on creating a real-time, dynamically driven workflow automation application capable of automating ANY process; configurable by the business team versus coded by developers. A new game-changing approach to operational challenges (aka chaos) was created, and CLARIFIRE®, the process automation application, was born.

Where before there was chaos, now there is CLARIFIRE®.

Our Logo Represents Our Vision

The left side of the Clarifire logo represents the chaos businesses often find themselves drowning in as a result of having siloed manual processes and point software solutions, conflicting handoffs, and regulatory compliance mandates. The lines on the right of the logo represent the clarified order CLARIFIRE® users experience with increased efficiency, improved productivity, enhanced compliance, and reduced risk.

Clarifire Choas Lines

Making Our Mark

Despite the many obstacles Jane faced as a small, woman-owned business in the male-dominated tech industry, she is glad she held fast to her dream of helping companies with automation. Numerous companies have benefited from her vision, including one of the nation's largest banks, which was Clarifire's first client. The timing was perfect - as the 2007-2009 U.S. housing crisis hit, more servicers turned to CLARIFIRE® to give homeowners the help they needed while freeing themselves from manual processes and effectively managing the volume and velocity of demand.


Continually Evolving

Over the years, CLARIFIRE®, the product, has evolved to lead with innovative ways to meet new challenges, such as historic levels of natural disasters and a global pandemic. These events would be even more catastrophic for financial servicers if not for CLARIFIRE®'s ability to streamline, automate, and aggregate workflows, the chaos, and automated underwriting of loss mitigation workouts. By improving servicing response times, accessibility, and visibility, CLARIFIRE® has benefited millions of borrowers over the years. And because the application is process-agnostic, CLARIFIRE® generates workflow efficiencies in bulk and provides far-reaching capabilities to the FinTech industry.

Man working on laptop

Looking Ahead

Today, our innovative, agile workflow automation is flexible, has proven pre-built processes, embraces advanced logic, and has robust industry-specific features. Organizations can accelerate their strategies by buying the pre-built workflows AND adding the capabilities to build their own. CLARIFIRE® stands on the digital forefront of the mortgage and healthcare industries - customer service, customer retention, and increased profitability leading to real-time opportunities to modernize and streamline processes. Better approach, better software, BRIGHTER AUTOMATION®.
